Will AI Replace Recruiters?

Posted on 07 August 2024

Here at Merritt Recruitment, we love science and technology and when AI is promoted to aid not just recruiters but our industries too, we had to explore how it can help with technical recruitment.


AI & Science

It has been widely reported in scientific publications (https://royalsociety.org/-/media/policy/projects/ai-and-society/ai-revolution-in-science.pdf) that AI is impacting the world of science. The applications of AI are only just starting to be explored, from the design of compounds in pharmaceutical drug discovery research, identifying genetic markers, or predicting and reducing the environmental impact of new chemical entities.


AI & Recruitment

It is clear that AI is going to be very helpful in recruiting candidates with specialist technical backgrounds. It can streamline a whole range of administrative tasks such as CV screening, interview scheduling, and follow-up emails. This frees up time to focus on meaningful interactions with candidates.


Candidate Matching

Advanced algorithms can enhance candidate matching by analysing high volumes of applications efficiently and filtering and matching candidates to job descriptions. Then the recruiter can engage effectively with the most highly qualified individuals.


Delivery & Response Times

As a business, AI can help us improve responsiveness. It can handle initial queries and provide instant responses to ensure candidates receive timely information and support. This allows the recruiter the time to consider how to make the next detailed interactions informed and relevant.

By handling the operational aspects of recruitment, AI allows recruiters to invest more time in building relationships, understanding client and candidate needs, and creating a positive experience.


Limitations of AI

Bill Gates is quoted as saying: "If it's a problem that humans are not good at dealing with, then present (AI) techniques don't create some novel approach"


Building Trust & Rapport

What AI cannot do is replace personal interactions because they bring no humanity to the process. What sets a good recruiter apart from AI technology is their ability to understand and empathise with candidates and respond with emotional intelligence to feelings, motivations and aspirations. This is crucial to building trust and rapport.


Cultural Fit & Team Dynamics

Along with this understanding recruiters consider nuanced issues surrounding cultural fit, team dynamics and other subjective factors. This requires intuition and judgment which is intangible and complex, far beyond what an AI algorithm can assess. People want to talk to people and the value ofthe depth and authenticity of human interaction creates the personal touch, understanding and genuine interest.


Empathy & ‘Reading the Room’

Because the interaction is genuine recruiters can quicklyadapt strategies and respond creatively to solve unique challenges. AI operates within predefined parameters and lacks this flexibility. Recruiters need to enter very sensitive conversationssurrounding salary expectations, job offers, and rejections. Operating with tact and sensitivity in a manner specific to the candidate’s individual circumstances is something only a human can provide with professionalism and empathy.


Conversations with AI Bots

You can’t make a personal connection with an AI bot. Recruiters are not just about filling positions. They build long-term relationships with clients and candidates. People rely on recruiters to put their best interests at heart.


Balanced Approach

AI enhances efficiency and provides valuable support in the recruitment process, but it cannot replicate the nuanced, empathetic, and relationship-driven aspects that human recruiters bring. In the end it’s going to be combination of AI and human interaction that creates a more effective and balanced recruitment approach, improved delivery & response times and an overall enhanced experience for all those involved.

Merritt Recruitment brings a personal touch to all aspects of the recruitment process. As scientists and commercial specialists in the chemicals, polymer, cosmetics and life science industries we bring a wealth of knowledge and understanding to the recruitment process. We understand the technical needs and skill sets expected by our clients and we can properly identify suitably skilled and experienced candidates.

 If you want to learn more about how Merritt Recruitment can support you, please do get in touch.

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